New York Magazine is Racist?

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New York Magazine is being called out for this magazine cover and feature story indicating that conservative influencers are all spoiled rich white jerks.

“Almost everyone is white,” the article says. It quotes an “older woman in an updo” as asking: “Have you noticed the entire room is white?”

Only the image was cropped and guess who got cropped out? All the black partygoers who were standing right next to the white partygoers. When you see the entire image, there are conservative black people in the room. One of them was the party’s host.

Why would they do this?

To sell you the narrative that Republicans are a racist exclusionary club and to court back the Black voters that left the Democratic party in droves.

Remember when Time Magazine apologized for darkening Barack Obama’s skin tone on its cover? This feels like that. New York Magazine should apologize.

So who would do such dishonest journalism? This is the author: they/them Brock Colyar.

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