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Clayton Morris

What Happened To Germany?

Germany has launched a petition to change the law to allow children to have the rights to “sexual self-determination” based on a petition from a group that

Clayton Morris

U.S. Dollar Gets A Failing Grade

Moody’s downgraded the U.S. dollar from stable to negative on Friday due to the county’s debt and political instability. It certainly isn’t a good look to continuously

Clayton Morris

Well… We Found The Guy That Did It

The Washington Post is reporting that a Ukrainian colonel named Roman Chervinsky was the lead on the Nord Stream pipeline destruction. They are saying that this man had “deep

Clayton Morris

International Calls For a Ceasefire

France has joined the international call for a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Gaza Strip. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called this a “moral mistake” because

Clayton Morris

FDA’s New Weightloss Injectable

The FDA has approved another injection drug for weight loss to compete with the popular drug Ozempic. The new drug is called Zepbound and it is made

Clayton Morris

Who Will Control The Internet?

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr is warning that the Biden Administration is about to hand the FCC unprecedented power and control of the Internet. This is the head