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Clayton Morris

What Do We Know About Global Warming?

What do we know for sure about global warming? Less and less every day it would seem. Some climate scientists have published studies showing that

Clayton Morris

Israeli Soldiers Use Cross-Dressing Attacks

The Associated Press reports that Israeli forces dressed as women and medical workers to storm a hospital in Gaza. The Israeli military said that militants were using the hospital

Clayton Morris

Elon Musk says “Make it So”

Elon Musk says that the first human received an implant from his company Neuralink and “is recovering well.” He added that “Initial results show promising neuron spike

Clayton Morris

Get Ready for the NATO European Army

NATO is trying to cut the red tape to mobilize a European army by creating what they call a “military Schengen.” The Schengen area is

Clayton Morris

War Games

War lovers are banging the drum for the U.S. to launch an attack on Iran, even as the Pentagon admits that it has no evidence

Clayton Morris

The Government Takes the Wheel

A new bill in California would require car manufacturers to limit the speed on cars to a maximum of 10 miles per hour over the