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Clayton Morris

Germany’s Energy Crisis

Germany is set to announce plans for more gas-powered energy plants this week after inexplicably turning off nuclear plants. This is their truly puzzling plan to phase

Clayton Morris

New Hampshire Primary

New Hampshire will get it’s vote for a Republican presidential candidate today in the primary race between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. Unlike in Iowa,

Clayton Morris

Supreme Court Messes With Texas

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Biden administration can gain access to areas of Texas in order to re-open the southern border by removing barriers. Texas

Clayton Morris

Golf Gives Women The Shaft

A man won a women’s golf tournament in Florida this weekend under the auspices that he is a woman. He is now one step closer

Clayton Morris

Climate Deniers are now New Deniers

Climate change promoters want to shut down dissent that they call “Climate Hate.” This is a new one that they are calling “New Denial.” Climate

Clayton Morris

Don’t Call It A War

We’re not at war with Yemen. We just enjoy bombing them so we’re going to keep doing that. This is what the Pentagon said when it