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Clayton Morris

I’m On A Boat

Big business may be showing that it’s done being stalked by climate protestors. Last week, Shell filed a lawsuit against Greenpeace for $2.1 million in damages after

Clayton Morris

Hospitals Become Targets in Gaza

Israeli troops have surrounded and launched missiles at a hospital in Gaza. They say the hospital sits atop Hamas hostile infrastructure. Hamas says that this

Clayton Morris

New York State of Surveillance

New York State will ramp up its “surveillance efforts,” monitoring citizens online for what they might call “hate.” New York Governor Kathy Hochul said that the state

Clayton Morris

The U.S. Can Kill With No Recourse

The Intercept published a Pentagon investigation into the killing of a mother and her four-year-old daughter in Somalia in 2018. It’s not happy reading. The report shows

Clayton Morris

The W.H.O. Massive Power Grab

The World Health Organization is trying to take global powers away from sovereign nations, despite what they are saying online. Now the head of the

Clayton Morris

A 5-Day Break in Bombing

Hamas says that it has negotiated a five-day ceasefire with Israel to facilitate a hostage and prisoner exchange. The exchange would have Hamas releasing up