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Sprite will no longer be sold in green bottles. If you’re looking for Sprite, you’ll have to now look for clear bottles.

Coca-Cola will make this change on August 1st. It is the soda maker’s effort to become more sustainable since green bottles contain polyethylene terephthalate or PET. That chemical cannot be recycled into new bottles.

Did you know that green bottles couldn’t be recycled all this time? I didn’t. No wonder Coke was named the world’s number one plastic polluter in 2020!

Other Coke drinks that usually come in green bottles such as Seagram’s, Mello Yello and Fresca will also now come in clear bottles. Do not confuse them with seltzer!

Do these changes mean that Coke drink bottles will now be recycled? Not necessarily. Recent studies show that less than 6% of American plastic trash is actually recycled, largely because China no longer accepts plastic trash from the U.S. and the U.S. has so few plastic recycling facilities. But sure, take PET out of the bottles anyway. Why not?

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