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Clayton Morris

Mr. Beast Last To Leave A Pedophile

Mr. Beast says that he has parted ways with the transgender member of his team, Kris Tyson, who now calls himself Ava. Tyson stands accused

Clayton Morris

Nazis Go On Tour Across Europe

Nazis are on tour in Europe. Did you get your tickets? Ukraine has sent its 3rd Assault Brigade to tour nine cities in Poland, Germany,

Clayton Morris

Democrats Rewriting History

The media is trying to tell us that Vice President Harris was never in charge of the southern border. That is convenient because if she was, the

Clayton Morris

Bibi Begs Congress For More Money and Weapons

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a passionate pitch for war to the U.S. Congress on Wednesday and proposed a NATO-like military block called the “Abraham Alliance.”

Clayton Morris

NATO Gets Ready For War

We are being warmed up to the idea of a military draft by NATO. The military organization have set a goal of adding 300,000 soldiers in the

Clayton Morris

Netanyahu Addresses U.S. Congress… Why Now?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of Congress today and reportedly hedge his bets by meeting with President Biden and former President Trump.

Clayton Morris

Mr. Beast In Trouble

There are allegations that the transgender member of the Mr. Beast team has been caught sexually messaging a minor since the boy was 13 years old. He