Chile Rejects New Constitution

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Voters in Chile rejected a new socially progressive constitution in a special election. The proposal was voted down by 62% of voters, according to Chile Electoral Service.

The constitution was supported by President Gabriel Boric, who is considered a leftist. Even in urban areas where Boric had support during last year’s election rejected the proposal, indicating that his popularity and influence has waned.

The proposed constitution was considered one of the most progressive in the world. It would have broadened environmental protection, mandated gender parity, dismantled private water companies and made them public and given more rights to indigienous people. But like most well intentioned progressive agendas, it went too far and even left-leaning voters worried about the power disruption. The current constitution is a free-market protection and voters worried about disrupting whatever free markets there are left in the world.

More than 12.2 million voters turned up for the election.

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