Chinese Genocide or Western Propaganda?

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The United Nations released a report accusing China of human rights abuse of the Uyghur population. China refutes this report and says that it is evidence of the U.N.’s collaboration with the West.

It is an interesting read. The report does not echo the Western media’s accusation of genocide, forced imprisonment and forced labor. In fact, the U.N. never observed any of those things. They wrote the report based on publicly-available documents, interviews and an in-person visit from High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet. None of the report is based on her trip though.

A lot of the human rights violations, it says, happens at VETC camps, or Vocational Educational Training Camps, which China used to combat its terrorism problem, which the U.N. admits it had. But the U.N. neither saw these camps nor could they assess whether or not they are still in use. China told the U.N. that they’re not and the U.N. did not see any. So….???

We break down the other confusing parts of this report in this video on Redacted. We are not saying that there has not been any racism or human rights abuse in China. We have not been there and we don’t know. But clearly, neither does the U.N.

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