And now for something completely different…

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A story about Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has caused bitter division between American political parties. And it is the weirdest story of 2022.

Police were called to the Pelosi home where he was allegedly attacked with a hammer. Police said that they were only called to the home for a “priority well-being check.” They arrived to find Pelosi and 42-year-old David DePape struggling with a hammer. Both men were taken to the hospital for treatment.

The media was quick to call this a partisan attack by a MAGA supporter but DePape has also been said to support Black Lives Matter, gay pride and lives at a nudist colony. Skeptics are saying that this is something entirely different. When Pelosi called the police he described the male as a “friend” and gave the name David. Some reports say that DePape was in his underwear and some reports are that both men were in their underwear, which may explain why #Pelosigaylover is trending.

The Pelosi home is full of top-notch security cameras, so there must be footage. Presumably, there is also police body cam footage. So, where’s all the video? It is an upsetting story but one with a lot of holes. Best to hold off on Tweeting partisan outrage on this one until more facts are available.

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