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Thousands of people protested Western intervention in Ethiopia over the weekend. They demand that the Tigray rebels who Western governments support, stop raging war on the Ethiopian government and express support for the people in Tigray who have nothing to do with the rebels.

The TPFL is the group in Tigray that opposes the government of Adi Ahmed. They led a bloody assault on the government in November 2021, causing the Ethiopian government to retaliate and enlist help from the government of Eritrea. They claim that they are trying to stop the government from conducting genocide on the Tigray people, even though there is very little evidence of that happening.

And now the Ethiopian people are trying to show support of the government for opposing the TPFL and stepping up to decry Western support of the TPFL. The TPFL has support from NATO, the U.S. and the U.K. and the people of Ethiopia are demonstrating that they understand this nuance and they absolutely don’t want it.

Peace talks between the TPFL and the government of Ethiopia are scheduled for today.

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