Only after lawsuits does the government release vaccine information

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The CDC released data from its V-safe program showing how many people reported injuries from the Covid-19 vaccine. It did so in response to two lawsuits by ICAN or the Informed Consent Action Network.

V-safe is an app that people could use to report events to the CDC. This data was owned and monitored by the CDC but was not released publicly until now.

The data shows that 7.7% of V-safe users had a “health event” post vaccination that required medical attention including emergency room intervention or hospitalization. Another 25% experienced events that required them to miss school or work post vaccination. ICAN collated the data here.

The majority of symptoms include the typical things that users complained of on social media: flu-like symptoms and fatigue. The data includes 13,000 babies under the age of 2 with 33,000 symptoms including irritability, sleeplessness, pain and loss of appetite. It also shows a disproportionate number of adverse events by Moderna recipients and more adverse events reported by women than men.

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