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The European Parliament held a hearing to discuss the Covid response. In this hearing, a Pfizer spokesperson admitted that the Covid vaccine was never tested for whether or not it would stop the spread of Covid.

Wait, what? Isn’t that why we were told that we all had to take it, immunocompromised or not? Isn’t that why vaccine passports were put into place? Did Pfizer know that it would not stop the spread?

Parliamentary member Rob Roos asked a Pfizer spokesperson this question:

“Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? If no, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee?”

This is the answer he got from Janine Small, the Pfizer spokesperson: “Regarding the question around whether we knew about stopping immunization before it entered the market, no haha. These, um, you know, we had to really move at the speed of science.”

No haha? Is that funny haha? I don’t find that funny haha.

If Pfizer knew that the vaccine was made to reduce the severity of Covid but not stop the spread, then the public could have made different calculations about their own health. The public was told that vaccination was to reduce spread to others and now we are learning that the science did not support that. So, no, not funny haha.

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