So I Was Flipping Channels When I Saw This…

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A transgender person named Jordan Gray appeared on live television in the UK this weekend to perform a song. Towards the end of the song, Gray strips down naked, showing off both boobs and penis, and completes the song in only shoes. Gray proceeded to play the last note of the song with… the penis.

This was public TV. Is this what we would call progress? It is exhibitionism, which is a crime in the U.K.

Exhibitionism is non-consensually displaying one’s genitals. Do we now argue that people watching public TV consent to seeing genitals? If not, shouldn’t Gray be charged with a crime or fined by Ofcom? This is not about being trans. It doesn’t help trans people who do not want their movement to be seen as sexual. This frames the cause as sexual and arguably predatory. This is an outrage.

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