Ukraine Calls on NATO to Launch Preemptive Nuclear War

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Armageddon is trending on Twitter because President Joe Biden said on Thursday that the risk of a nuclear Armageddon is the highest it’s been since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Russia is accusing Ukraine of trying to start this nuclear war as President Zelensky called on NATO to use nuclear weapons on Russia first.

“What should NATO do? Eliminate the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons,” Zelensky said in a televised address. “I once again appeal to the international community, as it was before February 24: preemptive strikes so that they [Russia] know what will happen to them if they use it, and not the other way around.”

To be clear, Zelensky just called for a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia by NATO countries. This is incredibly dangerous rhetoric. He is calling for the mass slaughter of civilians.

Russia has repeatedly said that it is not considering nuclear strikes on Ukraine but the country did step up defense of the Donbas region on Thursday immediately after ratifying those regions into Russian territory.

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