You Have The Right To Remain Singing

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In California, your dope rhymes cannot be used against you in a criminal case. Apparently, this was a problem.

The new Decriminalizing Artistic Expression Act limits the way that an artist’s lyrics can be used against them in criminal cases. The prosecution has to prove that the lyrics were written around the time of a crime, have specificity to the crime and contain “factual details” about the crime that were previously unknown to the public.

Rappers Drakeo the Ruler and Young Thug and Gunna both experienced this when their lyrics were used against them in cases ranging from murder to conspiracy. Drakeo the Ruler was on trial for murdering one person and plotting to murder another, rapper named RJ. In one of his songs, he says this: “I’m ridin’ around town with a tommy gun and a Jag and you can disregard the yelling, RJ tied up in the bag.” So you can see why that might be considered interesting evidence but not anymore.

Artists say that this is a protection of free speech.

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