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November 15, 2022

Clayton Morris

The Theater of The G20

Leaders of the G20 Summit are gathering this week, many doing a dance between speaking of peace, trying not to step on toes, condemning Russia

Clayton Morris

The Trump Announcement

Former President Trump will make his “special announcement” at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida today. What will it be?? If I were a betting person, I’d say

Clayton Morris

The Lasting Damage of Puberty Blockers

New research shows that teenagers who go on puberty blockers experience lasting decreases in bone density. Many are attempting to politicize this research so let’s avoid doing that.

Clayton Morris

STD’s On The Rise

The U.K. is experiencing an increase in sexually transmitted diseases for people aged 65 and up. Experts blame this on the popularity of dating apps and “chemsex.”