Finland Reveals Massive Covid Fraud

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In Finland, the government admits that nearly 40% of reported Covid deaths were fraudulent, according to new reports.

This comes from a report from the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare. It says that Covid deaths were reported based on whether or not someone died within 30 days of a Covid diagnosis. Oftentimes, Covid was not the primary cause of death but rather a contributing factor to existing comorbidity.

The report also showed that the average age of those who died from Covid was 85.

“You can count on the fingers of one hand the number of patients under 60 who have died solely from Covid since last March,” said Sirkka Goebeler, a chief specialist at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.

The Finish government is also NOT recommending another round of Covid boosters for health and social service professionals unless they have a chronic illness.

Could this over-reporting of deaths have been on purpose to justify lockdowns and vaccine mandates? We leave that to you to decide!

Note: We were unable to find this original report on the THL website and the language barrier did not help. If you speak Finnish and can find it, please send it to us!

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