The Propaganda Is Strong WIth This One

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If you live in the West, you might think the whole world is against Russia and China. According to new research from the University of Cambridge, they’re not.

In fact, outside of Western liberal democracies, 70% of the world feels positive towards China and 66% feel positive towards Russia. The countries that feel that way stretch “from continental Eurasia to the north and west of Africa.” Those are societies that have moved closer to Russia and China in the last decade. The study says that as a result, “China and russia are now narrowly ahead of the United States in their popularity among developing countries.”

The war in Ukraine has solidified support behind the United States and its policies, making a clear divide and the most concise summary of what is at stake in today’s geopolitical wars: “the world is torn between two opposing clusters: a maritime alliance democracies, led by the United States; and a Eurasian bloc of illiberal or autocratic states, centred upon Russia and China.”

It is interesting to keep this in mind when you are fed gross generalizations about other countries in your pro-government media.

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