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American troops are in fact on the ground in Ukraine, according to several U.S. media reports. A Pentagon official says that U.S. troops are “monitoring NATO arms deliveries.”

The official said that troops are not on the front line but would not say where they are. This follows the U.S. State Department’s announcement that U.S. personnel would continue to assist with weapons handling and inspections. The state department did not say the U.S. military would get involved. They just said personnel.

This is an important distinction. Is there a military presence or isn’t there? President Biden repeatedly assured the American people that putting troops on the ground in Ukraine is “not on the table.” So maybe we’re dealing with a different table? Don’t we deserve an explanation on this vague weapons mission if we are risking the lives of troops for a war we are not technically in?

The Biden administration continues to ramp up the war talk. On Monday, he condemned oil companies for “war profiteering.” Did Congress declare war? No, they have not. We are living in a war-like economy and sending troops into warring countries though.

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