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Does the U.S. want to provoke China even further with another visit to Taiwan? It sure seems that way.

The House of Representatives is in talks to send another delegation to Taiwan in order to hold a “field hearing” that presumably could not be done on Zoom?

“We know that will infuriate the Chinese,” said Rep. Rob Wittman, a Virginia Republican, told Nikkei. “But I think it’s incredibly important for us to do that, because you have to send the signal that we’re strongly on the side of Taiwan.”

Do we!? At a time when tensions are high over floating objects, do we need to go proving things with traveling delegations? House Speaker Kevin McCarthy thinks so. He says that he plans to make a trip just like the one his predecessor Nancy Pelosi made last year.

“I don’t think China can tell me where I can go at any time, at any place,” he said.

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