YouTube Buffering a New CEO

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The CEO of YouTube Susan Wojcicki announced that she would step down. She says that she wants to focus on her family, health, and personal projects.

That’s nice for her but she may still have to testify before the House Judiciary Committee to comply with recent subpoenas about “censorship” collaboration. Committee Chairman Representative Jim Jordan set a deadline of March 23 for Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft to hand over documents related to government requests for censorship on various topics, including pandemic-related issues. As we saw with recent testimonies from former Twitter employees, leaving a company does not get one off the hook.

Under Wojcicki, YouTube has been one of the strictest platforms for censorship. They prohibited creators from saying that the Covid vaccine does not prevent the spread of Covid, which is now irrefutable. They prohibit creators from saying that the army in Ukraine fires on civilians, which we also know to be true. Our show has been punished for these things regularly, which is why we have encouraged our viewers to watch us on Rumble where we are not censored like this.

Why and how does YouTube make those decisions? Wojcicki has never given a satisfactory answer. She has named YouTube Chief Product Officer Neal Mohan to replace her. Will we get answers from him?

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