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March 30, 2023

Clayton Morris

Wow, Here’s A Crazy Story For You

Should you use a woman’s body as a surrogate if she is in a permanent vegetative state? This is what is called “whole body gestational

Clayton Morris

Pfizer Going To Court?

Pfizer may be taken to court in South Africa to answer for the Covid vaccine. A group called Freedom Alliance of South Africa (FASA) filed a show

Clayton Morris

China and Brazil Ditch The U.S. Dollar

China and Brazil announced a new trade agreement that will allow both countries to ditch the U.S. dollar. This is big for the U.S. as it cuts

Clayton Morris

Not Passing Gas

The European Union is ditching its plan to ban gas-powered cars by 2035 and the U.K. may do the same for its planned 2030 deadline.