China Pushing For Peace in Ukraine?

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Could China be on a winning streak for peace? The Wall Street Journal reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to meet with Ukrainian President Zelensky next week after a meeting with Russian President Putin. Could he do what no one else has been able to do and broker an actual peace deal?

This follows a major peace deal last Friday between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The deal was cemented in China by Chinese officials. On the heels of that deal, China announced that it would host a meeting with Iran and the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council later this year.

The WSJ reports that President Jinping may visit other European countries after he leaves Moscow, reflecting “a conviction on the part of Mr. Xi and the Communist Party that China can offer an alternative to the U.S.-led model of international relations by relying on commercial ties rather than military might to sway the decisions of other countries.”

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