Europe Flip Flops on Russian Sanctions

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Remember that the European Union wanted to reveal a robust sanctions package against Russia on the one-year anniversary of the conflict in Ukraine? Well, they’re not going to do that because they could not agree on what to sanction. Instead they say that they will focus on the sanctions they’ve already got.

This could be because inflation continues to harm the countries that signed on to the sanctions. In France, inflation is expected to reach 10% this month. It could also be because protests across Europe are ramping up to oppose continued support of Ukraine.

It could also be that people realize that war means death on both sides. Last weekend, officials displayed Russian tanks in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. It was meant to show Russia as the aggressor and demonstrate solidarity with Ukraine but humans who noticed the obvious – namely that death on all sides is tragic – placed flowers on the tanks to the governments’ dismay. Confused police were seen removing them and one man was fined for refusing to remove the flowers himself.

Estonia says it may discontinue this Russian tank tour because it is backfiring.

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