Fluoride Linked to Lower IQ in Children

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A report from 2022 was released last week and it indicates that there is no safe level of fluoride in water supply and that it can lower IQ levels in children.

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) report was written in 2022 but was blocked from publication by Assistant Health Secretary, Rachel Levine. A court ruled that it be released and it shows that 52 out of 55 studies found decreases in child IQ with increased fluoride.

This comes from a lawsuit between the EPA and the Fluoride Action Network. The Justice Department, representing the EPA, had asked for an indefinite delay of the trial and requested these reports be blocked. The judge ruled against them and advanced the trial for an April 11 status hearing.

The U.S. has been adding fluoride to water since 1945 to prevent dental decay.

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