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The Justice Department says that people awaiting trial related to January 6 cannot delay their proceedings because of newly released footage of the event by Fox News.

In a case against defendants Ryan Taylor Nichols and Alex Kirk Harkrider, the Justice Department argued that the court should not extend the case to consider any new footage that may come up because the defendants have had their chance at discovery for two years now. They argued the same thing in a case against defendant Shane Jenkins.

The defendants had said that they had new evidence provided by a third party that could help their defense and the Justice Department appears to be saying, “Nope, we don’t want to see it or wait to see it.”

According to Politico, “The Justice Department noted that it has built tools intended to help defendants and their lawyers pinpoint relevant footage by camera angle and time of day.”

If you were a defendant and you were accused by the Justice Department, would you rely on their own internal tools to search for evidence? Or would you want to take every available moment to comb through it to make your best defense?

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