Sorry Guys! Biological Ladies Only From Now On

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The World Athletics Council has voted to ban biological men from women’s competitions if they have undergone male puberty. The organization says that they did this in order to “protect the future of the female category.”

The organization will also test levels of testosterone in transgender athletes as a qualifier, although testosterone is certainly not the only thing that advances a male body. A lot of that is due to an adrenal process.

Although this will be contested by trans rights activists, the majority of sports groups agreed with this ruling.

“Many believe there is insufficient evidence that trans women do not retain advantage over biological women and want more evidence that any physical advantages have been ameliorated before they are willing to consider an option for inclusion into the female category,” said Sebastian Coe, the head of the World Athletics Counsil. “We continue to take the view that we must maintain fairness for female athletes above all other considerations.”

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