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April 28, 2023

Clayton Morris

What Is Cis Sexual?

Elon Musk this week said that he considers the word “cisgender” as a slur. I too have many problems with this word. “Cisgender” refers to someone whose identity

Clayton Morris

I Vow To Be Ethical

The Supreme Court declined to instate a formal code of conduct this week, but the Justices signed a statement saying they are committed to being ethical. Is

Clayton Morris

IRS is Packing Heat

The IRS is hiring: special gun-carrying agents in all 50 states. Why does the tax man need to be packing? The IRS website says that this

Clayton Morris

U.S. Votes To Keep On Invading Somalia

U.S. politicians voted against withdrawing from Somalia just weeks after it voted against withdrawing from Syria. The proposal from Florida Representative Matt Gaetz would have