Mexico Tells The U.S. To Stop Threatening Invasion

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Mexico is warning the United States to stop the rhetoric about invading its neighbors. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said in no uncertain terms that this was a non-starter.

In recent weeks, American politicians have been floating the idea of invading Mexico to put an end to drug cartel crime with military force. Senator Lindsey Graham even introduced a bill to authorize U.S. troops into Mexico.

“There can’t be foreign agents in our country, no,” said President Lopez Obrador. He said that Mexico will decide who can intervene. His main concern, he said, was keeping civilians safe from so-called U.S. assistance. The U.S. does not have a good track record of keeping civilians safe in places it intervenes.

President Lopez Obrador said that he would consider cooperating with DEA assistance but not handing full authority over to the U.S.

“Cooperation yes, submission no,” he said.

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