Another Company Goes Nuts

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Has every marketer in the world lost their mind?? Bioré, the maker of acne skin strips, says that they can help you deal with the stress of school shootings by cleaning out your pores and your mind. It turns out, people didn’t like that marketing angle and now the brand has apologized.

Bioré partnered with influencer Cecilee Max-Brown who went into lockdown after a school shooting at Michigan State University in February. She says in the sponsored TikTok that the experience taught her that life is uncertain and that Bioré wants you to “get it all out, not only what’s in your pores but most importantly what’s on your mind, too.”

The original TikTok has been removed and this apology posted in its place. Bioré explained themselves in this Instagram post saying they “did it the wrong way.”

NO ONE thought of that before?? Bioré marketing team, I introduce you to Target’s marketing team. I think you two will get along.

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