Drones Strike Heart of Moscow

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The Grand Kremlin Palace was hit by aerial drones on Wednesday in what Russia is calling a terrorist attack and an assassination attempt on President Vladimir Putin.

The video shows two drones hitting the palace early on Wednesday morning. The Kremlin says that the drones did not cause any casualties or material damages but they also say that Russia reserves the right to respond in kind “whenever and wherever it sees fit.” Ukraine is reporting blasts in and around the capital early on Thursday.

President Zelensky denied that Ukraine was responsible for this attack even though the Kyiv Post reports that the Ukrainian postal service already has a commemorative stamp for the attack. Zelensky was not in Ukraine when this happened and is now expected to remain abroad for an extended amount of time. He arrived on Wednesday night in the Netherlands to deliver a speech in The Hague called “No Peace Without Justice,” an objectionable premise suggesting that he does not know what peace means.

The U.S. says that it had no previous knowledge of this attack but leaked documents show that the U.S. has been concerned for some time that Ukraine would do something of this magnitude. The leaked documents also showed that the U.S. was concerned about the Ukrainian military’s capabilities. To which Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday, “No we’re not, they’re fine.”  That’s a paraphrase.

Russia says that at least 20 Ukrainian soldiers on the front line in Donetsk have surrendered because they were “sent to the frontline without proper military training.”

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