Meet Your New World Government: The W.H.O.

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new draft of the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty has been released and it is causing concern amongst politicians in the United Kingdom.

This treaty would give the WHO the power to usurp government authority and enforce lockdowns, vaccine passports, force countries to share vaccine recipes, close borders, implement quarantine rules, and “counter misinformation.”

Originally the WHO wanted to give itself the power to take these measures for “public health risks,” but the new draft gives them this power for “all risks with a potential to impact public health.”

We went over the first draft on Redacted in February. This new draft removes ambiguous power grabs in favor of quite obvious ones.

Politicians in the UK have written to the Foreign Office to block the UK’s participation in this treaty and a Foreign Office minister said that he would “block any law that prevents the UK from setting its own health policy.”

The U.S. does have a proposed bill that would require President Biden to get congressional approval before signing a treaty such as this but it will probably not pass.

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