Pausing The Climate Madness

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Has climate policy jumped the shark? Last week French President Emanuel Macron suggested that green policies should take a pause.

Maybe because the data is not in on those policies actually achieving anything. Climate researcher Bjorn Lomborg estimates that the Paris Agreement will cost between $1-2 trillion annually and at best “achieve just one percent of what the politicians promised, keeping temperature rises to 1.5 degrees Celsius.”

This is not to say that climate policies should not be considered. Only to say that the ones we’ve got are not proven.

This month, the European People’s Party challenged their own leader Ursula von der Leyen to shoot down farming regulations that were proposed in the name of climate. It seems that the mood about climate is shifting away from policies that will hurt the poorest communities first.

But not for Bloomberg. Bloomberg celebrated that South Africa beat its climate goal because of forced blackouts with this story. Um..yay?

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