The FBI Fixed Your Computer

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If you had “Russian” malware on your computer, the FBI reached in and fixed it for you. Thanks, FBI!

This happened through what the FBI called Operation MEDUSA. The agency was given authorization from a court to seek out malware called Snake and remove it from U.S. computers. The FBI says that they notified owners whose computers they remotely accessed. They say that they’d been following the Snake program for 20 years. They say that it had been stealing documents from hundreds of computers that belonged to NATO members and other targets of interest to the Kremlin.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Antony Blinken says that the U.S. has developed an artificial intelligence system to detect and gather “Russian” disinformation on the internet. He called it “an AI-enabled online Ukraine Content Aggregator to collect verifiable Russian disinformation and then to share that with partners around the world.”

The U.S. is also engaged in disinformation campaigns worldwide, which one analyst says is their attempt to “fight fire with fire.”

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