Ukraine Admits It’s Trying To Kill Putin

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The Ukrainian intelligence service says that they are attempting to kill Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Vadym Skibitsky, the deputy head of Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate, said this to German newspaper Welt.

“Putin is noticing that we are getting closer and closer to him, but he is also afraid of being killed by his own people,” he said. When asked about the head of the Wagner Group, Zkibitsky said, “We are trying to kill him.”

Well now that we’re clear, we can at least stop pretending who attacked the Kremlin earlier this month. The New York Times now reports that the attack was done by “one of Ukraine’s special military or intelligence units, the latest in a series of covert actions against Russian targets that have unnerved the Biden administration.”

The U.S. has not presumed to go this far and President Biden earlier this week said that Ukrainian Present Zelensky promised him that Ukraine would not attack inside of Russia’s borders. It wasn’t a pinky promise though. It was more like what Mary Poppins would call a “pie crust promise: easily made, easily broken.”

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