Ukraine’s Winter, Spring, now Summer Offensive?

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The Ukrainian counteroffensive has been delayed, according to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. He said that they “still need a bit more time.”

A top German General blames it on the weather. He said that the ground is too wet and that some battlefields still look like “large lakes.”

This is the counteroffensive Western leaders have been promising for months. It was originally called a winter offensive, changed to a spring offensive and is now just being called an upcoming offensive. Now an aide to Zelensky says that the West should temper their expectations and not treat this offensive as a “make-or-break moment.”

Military experts and leaked documents from the U.S. show that Ukraine never was and may never be ready to take on Russia. Even with new long-range missiles from the United Kingdom, which cost £2m each!

Zelenksy says that if they launched a counteroffensive now, Ukraine would “lose a lot of people,” and that is “unacceptable.” Agreed. Peace talks would prevent losing any more people. Peace talks now. 

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