Whistleblowers Expose Weaponization of The FBI

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Three FBI employees spoke to the Select Weaponization of the Federal Government Subcommittee on Thursday and accused the agency of violating protocol in order to prosecute people who were involved in the January 6 protests.

The agents said that field offices were told to go after people that had not been proven to have been violent on January 6, 2021. When they asked for video proof to make their cases, they were told that they could not see video proof because there “may or may not” have been undercover FBI agents in the footage.

This seems to contradict FBI head Christopher Wray’s testimony that there were no FBI agents present at the January 6 protests.

The whistleblowers did not refute January 6 as a serious event. They instead said that the FBI was violating the constitution of Americans by prosecuting them without due process and gave examples. The three men who testified, Garrett O’Boyle, Steve Friend, and Marcus Allen, were suspended and had their security clearances revoked. They claim that they are being retaliated against by the FBI.

As CSPAN puts it, “Throughout the hearing, lawmakers engaged in debates over the hearing’s intent and playing politics.”

Playing politics indeed. Democrats accused the whistleblowers of being MAGA Republicans and seemed uninterested in the men’s stories about prosecuting people without evidence or protocol. The mainstream media is uninterested in this story too.

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