You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me

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Students at Oxford University will be offered “welfare resources” to cope with an upcoming talk by gender-critical professor Kathleen Stock.

Stock is a lesbian who has been warning about gender ideology for years. Her assertion that biological gender cannot be changed upsets trans rights activists. They called for her May 30 talk to be canceled but Oxford says it will not do that so as “to uphold freedom of expression.”

Still, because students claim that Stock’s belief in biology is upsetting, the university will offer students who are upset to be “attended to” by welfare services.

In 2014, Brown University hosted a debate called “How Should Colleges Handle Sexual Assault?” Two speakers were asked to debate the idea of a rape culture and the very notion of that prompted students to demand the event be canceled. Brown went ahead with the event but provided a “BWell Safe Space” featuring puppies and Play-Doh to comfort students who felt emotionally unsafe by these words.

Puppies and Play-Doh and welfare services in college? Relevant questions: Do we disservice young people by teaching them they are too fragile to cope with debate? Isn’t that what college campuses are for? Given the record levels of anxiety in young people, might we consider that it would be better to teach them anti-fragility, namely, the concept that one can thrive as a result of stressors?

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