Ukraine Continues To Attack Civilians Inside Russia

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Ukraine launched more attacks inside Russia, this time in the border town of Shebekino. At least two people were hurt in the shelling that was reported to last more than one hour. This follows a week of attacks on Russian civilians.

The U.S. maintains that it generally does not support attacks inside of Russia. U.K. politicians say that Kiev should attack anywhere it pleases and a German spokesperson has said that attacks in Moscow are “legitimate.”

Meanwhile, Russia says it has destroyed Ukraine’s last warship, the Yuriy Olefirenko, in the port of Odesa. They also claim to have pushed Ukrainian units out of two settlements in the Donetsk region: Krasnohorivka and Yasynuvata. Fighting continues in an area between those two settlements called Avdiivka. These regions voted to join Russia last fall but Ukraine has continued to attack in order to keep them.

French President Emmanuel Macron has proposed a peace summit but will not invite Russia. The peace plan involves Russia relinquishing the areas it has already annexed, including Crimea. Once again, these people asked Russia to intervene because Ukraine had been attacking them since 2014 and voted to join Russia last autumn. It is not for the West to force them back into Ukrainian borders.

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