Covid Vaccine Inconsistencies

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new study shows that a small percentage of Covid vaccine batches were associated with nearly 71% of the adverse events in people who took the vaccine.

According to the lead researcher Dr. Vibeke Manniche, “4.2% of the batches are associated with almost 71% of the reported side effects. You would usually expect that if the batches were the same quality…You would expect more or less the same amount of side effects…This is a huge difference between the batches…Why did something change along the way?”

Many of the adverse events came early in the vaccine roll out. Dr. Manniche points out that the recipients were not just elderly people because young and healthy healthcare workers were also given the vaccine early.

This data only shows results from the Danish vaccine roll out but similar shifts in protocol occurred globally. For instance, why was the vaccine required to be kept at extreme cold temperatures initially and then that requirement dropped inexplicably? Dr. Manniche says that “the possibility of batch-dependent variation appears worthy of investigation.”

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