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Republicans in the House of Representative are moving forward with investigations of President Joe Biden that could lead to impeachment. Presidential candidate Nicky Haley says that the impeachment proceedings should start right away.

The possibly impeachable offenses pertain to the president’s financial ties to foreign actors, previously denied by the Biden campaign and the White House. Several IRS whistleblowers have shown incriminating bank records and text exchanges between Hunter Biden and Chinese businesses.

The Justice Department made a slap-on-the-hand indictment of Hunter Biden in June, which many say was indicative of political favoritism. Congress will pursue this even if Democrats will ignore it.  The chairs of the House Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means committees are seeking interviews with over a dozen officials involved in the investigation of tax-related misdemeanor crimes alleged to have been committed by Hunter Biden. They are preparing subpeonas if their requests for further interviews are ignored.

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