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NATO will have a meeting in Lithuania next week and Ukraine is expected to get some kind of invitation although maybe not a full-blown invitation.

U.S. Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith said this about it: “Most of us feel confident that we are going to be able to come to an agreement that will reflect where we are and that the Ukrainians will believe and feel is something above and beyond restating Bucharest.”

In 2008 in Bucharest, Ukraine and Georgia were both given a “someday” invitation to NATO. This time, NATO members are looking for something that will make them “believe and feel” better than that.

On Friday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a $1.5 billion loan to Ukraine for economic recovery from the war. This is the same IMF that asked Ukraine to stop wasting $8 million per day waging war in the Donbas and attacking its own citizens since 2014. The IMF worried that Ukraine was insolvent a decade ago but they apparently don’t have that worry now. Why do you think that is?

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