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A NATO summit begins tomorrow in Lithuania and the big question is: Ukraine – in or out?

Last month Ukrainian President Zelensky threatened the cold shoulder if Ukraine was not allowed in but on Sunday, President Biden said that he does not think now is the time to vote on that. He hinted that NATO is too fragile and he is the one keeping it from falling apart at the seems because Russian President Putin wants to destroy it. Nevermind that Russia applied to become a member of NATO and was the first to offer the U.S. the use of military bases after 9/11.

NATO members are said to be working on a sort of Junior Varsity agreement with Ukraine to assure them that NATO has its back but it is not a membership. According to Politico, “The idea is to create an ‘umbrella’ for all countries willing to provide Ukraine with ongoing military aid, even if the details vary from country to country.”

What is a NATO umbrella? Your guess is as good as mine.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has said it is willing to send cluster bombs to Ukraine. These are small bombs that kill indiscriminately. According to the BBC, even U.S. allies have “expressed unease” about this.

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