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NATO members seem to want a more sincere thank you from Ukraine, perhaps indicating a fracture of Western support for the region.

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said that Ukraine is always badgering the West for more, more more. “We are not Amazon,” he said.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan also said this: “I think the American people do deserve a degree of gratitude from the United States government [sic] for their willingness to step up, and from the rest of the world as well.” We’re pretty sure he meant from the Ukraine government.

President Zelensky assured Western leaders that Ukraine is indeed grateful. “I simply don’t know how else we should be grateful. We can wake up in the morning and thank the minister. Have him write to me how to be grateful, and I will be grateful.”

This is kind of embarrassing, right? Is it further proof that the West’s interest are maybe a bit more ego based than peace based?

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