Did Dr. Fauci Break The Law?

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Senator Rand Paul has referred Dr. Anthony Fauci to the top D.C. prosecutor for criminal charges for lying under oath in congressional hearings about COVID origins.

Dr. Fauci testified to Congress that the U.S. never funded any gain of function research. This was in May and July of 2021 Senate hearings when Senator Paul asked him about gain of function research.

Gain of function is when you manipulate pathogens to study them and possibly create more dangerous things than they would have otherwise been. President Obama outlawed this type of research, but we now know that Dr. Fauci went ahead with this kind of research anyway.

Senator Paul reminded Dr. Fauci that it is a crime to lie to Congress and point blank asked him about NIH participation in gain of function research. Fauci parsed words by denying that Covid resulted from gain of function and dodging questions about NIH participation in gain of function. He denies that gain of function was the cause behind Covid because he had manipulated a scientific paper to prove it.

He did fund gain of function research abroad and at home, and Senator Paul would like the Justice Department to look into it because if this kind of obfuscation is allowed, we’re not going to have a very productive congress now, are we?

The Justice Department has not responded about whether or not it will do anything about this referral.

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