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Facebook has stayed silent, while Twitter has admitted how much the government has demanded online censorship. That is why Representative Jim Jordan took it upon himself to publish information showing that Facebook was being censored by the Biden Administration too.

Representative Jordan published what he called The Facebook Files, Part 1 late last week. They show unequivocally how the White House demanded that Facebook censor speech around the Covid vaccine up to the point of satire. These documents come from the House Judiciary Committee, which has been investigating the Biden administration’s improper efforts to censor Americans’ speech on social media.

The emails show that Facebook executives were less comfortable with censorship than Twitter executives had been. Twitter was told to jump and asked how high. Facebook at least seemed a little uncomfortable with the order to jump. They jumped though.

And when the White House knew that Facebook would succumb to pressure, they continued to mount pressure for more.

Representative Jordan says that Facebook withheld these documents until “the Committee announced its intention to hold Mark Zuckerberg in contempt.” Only then did they turn these over. Read them. You can see why they didn’t want to.

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