FDA Approves New Covid Vaccines

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Stop me if you’ve heard this before!

The FDA has given emergency approval for new Covid vaccines for people 6 months old and older with NO clinical trials to show for it. Don’t worry though, they say that studies “suggest” it is effective.

Are 6-month-olds having a Covid emergency? The data does not suggest that. Even though Covid case numbers are high, death numbers are at an all time low.

This is a new Covid vaccine, not a booster. Does it prevent transmission? The FDA doesn’t say that. Is it safe? The FDA doesn’t say that either. In fact, Pfizer and Moderna both acknowledge in the new vaccine Fact Sheets that the Covid vaccine has serious adverse events and that “the possible side effects are still being studied.”

Were there clinical trials conducted? If there were, we aren’t being told about it. The Fact Sheets say that the approval is based on the original vaccines and not this one that they’re about to shoot you with.

How long do these new vaccines provide protection against Covid? They don’t know. They both say that “the duration of protection against COVID-19 is currently unknown.”

Well, does it at least prevent more severe Covid? They don’t know that either. They based their approval on studies of the previous two Covid vaccines, not this one.

When you consider these omissions plus the fact that the CDC recently acknowledged that the Covid vaccine is a risk factor for becoming infected with Covid, why would a person take this?

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