Experts say that the U.S. military has an obesity epidemic. They say that three out of every four active duty members are either overweight or obese. How can the U.S. wage war with that personnel?
The CDC estimates that 71% of young people in the U.S. “would not be able to join the military if they wanted to” due to obesity, educational deficits or a criminal record. It also estimates that 19% of active duty members are “less likely to be medically ready to deploy” due to their obesity.
This does not bode well for the enrollment crisis.
Dr. Ken D. Berry says that this is not a mystery. The military follows the Dietary Guidelines for Americans which includes a high carbohydrate diet that has long been associated with weight gain. Why don’t experts change the guidelines? Could it be because 95% of the experts on the committee have a tie-in with a food or pharmaceutical company, according to a recent report? Nah, that can’t be it, right?