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Let’s quickly count all the ways the U.S. is spending on war when we’re supposedly at peace, shall we?

On Monday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin visited Ukraine to announce an additional $100 million weapons package. Meanwhile, Republicans asked Congress for an additional $12 billion to prep for a war with China.

All of this is in addition to the $106 billion emergency aid that the President has recently made. Must be nice to have all of this money to spend. But wait, do we? Aren’t we operating inside a temporary measure to avoid a government shut down? We are.

We already know why the U.S. is supporting a war in Ukraine but a war in China? Republicans say that the U.S. needs to prepare to fight China over Taiwan. The U.S. Army is already doing that. They announced that they would deploy new medium-range missiles to the Pacific next year to “deter” China from invading Taiwan.

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